Friday, June 10, 2011

Freedom Writers # 1

Quote #1- "Now it all comes down to what you look like" - Diary 3
This quote is is signifigant to this book because now-a-days, people do judge you just by the way that you look. Some people may exclude you, or bully you just because od your race, religion, or gender.

Quote #2- "It's kind of sad when you have to run away from something that isn't your fault"- Diary 4\
I can relate to this because there are times where I get blamed for things, or situations look like it's my fault just because bad timing.

Quote# 3- "It was all worth it"- Diary 7
This is signifigant to the story because it's showing the teens risking their life just to be aprt of a gang.


Zlata Filipovic was a young girl who unfortunately had to experience the horrors of the war of Sorajevo. Throughout the horrid experiences, she fortunately escaped the horrors with her family, and fled to Paris in 1993. She published her experiences in "Zlata's Diary". Some people have called her the "Anne Frank of Sorajevo".
Freshman year, I failed two classes. This was a setback to me because when my family wanted to go on vacation, I had to stay home a complete summer school. Also, I was not able to go out with friends or have a cell phone until summer school was completed. If I had not made up these classes, these would've possibly kept me from graduating. Luckily, I made up the classes, and the credits I needed at that time.

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